Throughout the Pokémon TCG, there were plenty of different Holofoil patterns so far. Both the evolution and use of these Holofoil patterns is very interesting to go through and analyse. We see some Holofoil patterns being a constant Holofoil pattern, e.g. Cosmos Holofoil, while others are only present in a limited way, e.g. Sequin Holofoil.
For the purposes of this article, we will only discuss the English structure and other languages to the extent relevant.
Be aware that for proper understanding of this article a division is made between standard sets, Factory Sets that were distributed in boosterboxes and other product, and non-standard sets, Factory Sets that were not distributed in boosterboxes but solely in other product.
In the the Diamond & Pearl era, there are four different Holofoil patterns: (1) Non-Holofoil, (2) Cosmos Holofoil, (3) Reverse Holofoil, and (4) Cracked Ice Holofoil. There were no new Holofoil patterns, except for a new Reverse Holofoil pattern, Crosshatch Reverse Holofoil pattern. With respect to the Holofoil patterns, the Starlight Holofoil, Refractor Holofoil and Sheen Holofoil did not make a reappearance in this era.

1. Cosmos Holofoil
The Cosmos Holofoil pattern is best described as a very vibrant and present holofoil pattern with circles, resembling a galaxy. The Cosmos Holofoil is by far the most present holofoil pattern in the Pokémon TCG.

1.1. Standard Sets
In principle, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare in the Diamond & Pearl era. The principle is very well abided by the different sets in this era.

In Diamond & Pearl Base Set, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare, conform the principle set out above.

More details on Diamond & Pearl Base Set and Cosmos Holofoil
In Diamond & Pearl Base Set, there are 20 Masters, where each Master has at least 7 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
- (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition,
- (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition, and
- (7) Polish, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some additional Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Chimchar has the rarity “Common”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the 2007 Spring Collector’s Tin, Special Edition Blister, and Classic Trio Box.

- Piplup has the rarity “Common”, but has two variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e. (a) one variant from the 2007 Spring Collector’s Tin, Special Edition Blister, and Classic Trio Box, and (b) one variant with the “San Diego 07”-stamp from the Pokémon USA Distributor Meeting.

- Turtwig has the rarity “Common”, but has two variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e. (1) one variant from the 2007 Spring Collector’s Tin, Special Edition Blister, and Classic Trio Box, and (2) one variant with the “New York 08”-stamp from the Pokémon USA Distributor Meeting.

- Professor Rowan has the rarity “Uncommon”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Collection.

For Diamond & Pearl Base Set, there are 24 Masters with 26 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 24 masters with 146 variants.
In Mysterious Treasures, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare, conform the principle set out above.

More details on Mysterious Treasures and Cosmos Holofoil
In Mysterious Treasures, there are 22 Masters, where each Master has at least 7 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
- (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition,
- (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition, and
- (7) Polish, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some additional Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Bastiodon has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Armor Fortress Theme Deck.

- Rampardos has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Skull Charge Theme Deck.

- Bebe’s Search has the rarity “Uncommon”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Collection.

For Mysterious Treasures, there are 25 Masters with 25 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 25 masters with 157 variants.
In Secret Wonders, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare, conform the principle set out above.

More details on Secret Wonders and Cosmos Holofoil
In Secret Wonders, there are 24 Masters, where each Master has at least 6 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
- (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition, and
- (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some additional Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Electivire has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Powerhouse Theme Deck.

- Magmortar has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Powerhouse Theme Deck.

For Secret Wonders, there are 24 Masters with 24 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 24 masters with 134 variants.
In Great Encounters, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare, conform the principle set out above.

More details on Great Encounters and Cosmos Holofoil
In Great Encounters, there are 15 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
- (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some additional Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Dialga has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from Eternal Time Theme Deck.

- Palkia has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Infinite Space Theme Deck.

For Great Encounters, there are 17 Masters with 17 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 17 masters with 77 variants.
In Legends Awakened, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare, conform the principle set out above.

More details on Legends Awakened and Cosmos Holofoil
In Legends Awakened, there are 27 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
- (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some additional Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) Heatran has one extra variant from the Metal Surge Theme Deck,
- (2) Regigigas has one extra variant from the Bombardment Theme Deck, and
- (3) Cynthia’s Feelings has one extra variant from the Diamond & Pearl Collection.
- Heatran has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Metal Surge Theme Deck.

- Regigigas has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the the Bombardment Theme Deck.

- Cynthia’s Feelings has the rarity “Uncommon”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Collection.

For Legends Awakened, there are 27 Masters with 27 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 27 masters with 123 variants.
In Majestic Dawn, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare, conform the principle set out above.

More details on Majestic Dawn and Cosmos Holofoil
In Majestic Dawn, there are 20 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some additional Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Glaceon has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Polar Frost Theme Deck.

- Leafeon has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Forest ForceTheme Deck.

For Majestic Dawn, there are 20 Masters with 20 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 20 masters with 74 variants.
In Stormfront, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare or Secret Rare, conform the principle set out above.

More details on Stormfront and Cosmos Holofoil
In Stormfront, there are 21 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
- (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some additional Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Gyarados has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Raging Sea Theme Deck.

- Tyranitar has the rarity “Rare”, but has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Dark Rampage Theme Deck.

For Stormfront, there are 21 Masters with 21 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 21 masters with 97 variants.
1.2. Non-Standard Sets
In the non-standard sets of the Diamond & Pearl era there is at least one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

In the Diamond & Pearl Promos, some Masters have a variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern treatment was not applied to every Master in this set, as the other cards received a Non-Holofoil treatment.

More details on Diamond & Pearl Promos and Cosmos Holofoil
In Diamond & Pearl Promos, there are 51 Masters, where each Master has at least 1 variant with the Cosmos Holofoil, i.e. in English, Unlimited edition.
Please note that some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Shinx has one variant with the “Inverse Back”-print from the Diamond & Pearl Trainer’s Challenge Set and the DP Value Pack 2.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.
For Diamond & Pearl Promos, there are 50 Masters with 52 variants in English.
In POP Series 6, also contains some cards that have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 6 and Cosmos Holofoil
In POP Series 6, there are 7 masters, where each Master has 3 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (3) Italian, Unlimited edition.
Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Manaphy has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Majestic Dawn Blister.
- Gible has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Value Pack 2 and Power Pack.
- Riolu has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Great Encounters Blister.
- Pikachu has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Value Pack 2 and Power Pack.
- Chimchar has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Collection and Starter Blister.
- Piplup has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Collection and Starter Blister.
- Turtwig has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Diamond & Pearl Collection and Starter Blister.
For POP Series 6, there are 7 Masters with 7 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 7 masters with 21 variants.
The Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kit – Lucario Half Deck contains one master that has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, Lucario.

The Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kit – Manaphy Half Deck contains one master that has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, Manaphy.

In POP Series 7, also contains some cards that have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 7 and Cosmos Holofoil
In POP Series 7, there are 6 masters, where each Master has 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) German, Unlimited edition,
- (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
- (4) Spanish, Unlimited edition.
Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Ampharos has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Collector’s Box.
- Gallade has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Gallade Blister Pack.
- Latias has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Legends Awakened Blister.
- Latios has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Legends Awakened Blister.
- Mothim has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Legends Awakened Blister.
- Kirlia has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Collector’s Box.
For POP Series 7, there are 6 Masters with 6 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 6 masters with 24 variants.
In POP Series 8, also contains some cards that have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 8 and Cosmos Holofoil
In POP Series 8, there are 6 masters, where each Master has 3 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (3) Spanish, Unlimited edition.
Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- Heatran has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Platinum Blister.
- Lucario has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Collector’s Poster Box and the Lucario Collector’s Tin re-issue.
- Luxray has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Double Value Pack.
- Probopass has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Double Value Pack.
- Yanmega has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Collector’s Poster Box 2.
- Happiny has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Arceus Blister.
For POP Series 8, there are 6 Masters with 6 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 6 masters with 18 variants.
The Diamond & Pearl era continues the trend set in the WOTC era and EX Series era as the most used Holofoil pattern remains Cosmos Holofoil. Through all the set, both standard sets and non-standard sets, the Cosmos Holofoil was present in every set.
2. Non-Holofoil
The Non-Holofoil pattern is not a “true” holofoil pattern. However, for completeness sake of metadata in the Collexy database it is important to mark all variants that have no holofoil pattern as Non-Holofoil.

3. Reverse Holofoil
The Reverse Holofoil pattern is a holofoil pattern that is exactly what the name indicates, everything receives a holofoil treatment except for the artbox with the Pokémon in it.

3.1. Standard Set
3.1.1. Regular Pattern
The “Regular Pattern” of the Reverse Holofoil, i.e. Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, refers to the Reverse Holofoil that is used for the cards in that specific set. This can differ throughout an era, but there is always only one Set Reverse Holofoil pattern. If a variant has a Reverse Holofoil pattern that matches the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, the specific Reverse Holofoil pattern is not mentioned.
However, it can occur that some variants have a different Reverse Holofoil pattern than the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern. In this event, the variant with the different Reverse Holofoil pattern (compared to the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern) is differentiated through the “Print”-parameter, specifically by mentioning the exact “Pattern” of the Reverse Holofoil, distinguishing it from the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern.
This means that there are variants of one Master with different Reverse Holofoil finishes, which means that
- the variant with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern will have as “Holofoil”-parameter the input “Reverse Holofoil” without any “Print”-parameter related to the Reverse Holofoil pattern, and
- the differing Reverse Holofoil, i.e. Reverse Holofoil pattern with a different pattern than the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, will have (a) as “Holofoil”-parameter the input “Reverse Holofoil”, and (b) as “Print”-parameter the input of the specific finish (e.g. Cosmos Pattern, Cracked Ice Pattern, etc.).
In the Diamond & Pearl era, the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern is always the Mirror Pattern. Mirror Pattern
In the Diamond & Pearl era, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is always the Mirror Pattern, i.e. a Reverse Holofoil that has a reflective pattern without any additional specific pattern.
In Diamond & Pearl Base Set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern. A couple of Masters have an additional variant with the Reverse Holofoil variant from the Burger King Collection 2008.

More details on Diamond & Pearl Base Set and Reverse Holofoil
In Diamond & Pearl Base Set, there are 119 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
- (5) Polish, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern and the “Diamond & Pearl”-stamp from the Burger King Collection 2008, i.e.

For Diamond & Pearl Base Set, there are 119 Masters with 129 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 119 masters with 605 variants.
In Mysterious Treasures, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern. A couple of Masters have an additional variant with the Reverse Holofoil variant from the Burger King Collection 2008.

More details on Mysterious Treasures and Reverse Holofoil
In Mysterious Treasures, there are 120 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition,
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
- (5) Polish, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern and the “Diamond & Pearl”-stamp from the Burger King Collection 2008, i.e.

For Mysterious Treasures, there are 120 Masters with 122 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 120 masters with 602 variants.
In Secret Wonders, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern.

More details on Secret Wonders and Reverse Holofoil
In Secret Wonders, there are 130 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern.
For Secret Wonders, there are 130 Masters with 131 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 130 masters with 521 variants.
In Great Encounters, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern. A couple of Masters have an additional variant with the Reverse Holofoil variant from the Burger King Collection 2009.

More details on Great Encounters and Reverse Holofoil
In Great Encounters, there are 102 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern and the “Platinum”-stamp from the Burger King Collection 2009, i.e.

For Great Encounters, there are 102 Masters with 106 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 102 masters with 412 variants.
In Legends Awakened, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern. A couple of Masters have an additional variant with the Reverse Holofoil variant from the Burger King Collection 2009.

More details on Legends Awakened and Reverse Holofoil
In Legends Awakened, there are 139 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern and the “Platinum”-stamp from the Burger King Collection 2009, i.e.

For Legends Awakened, there are 139 Masters with 143 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 139 masters with 560 variants.
In Majestic Dawn, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern. A couple of Masters have an additional variant with the Reverse Holofoil variant from the Burger King Collection 2009.

More details on Majestic Dawn and Reverse Holofoil
In Majestic Dawn, there are 96 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern and the “Platinum”-stamp from the Burger King Collection 2009, i.e.

For Majestic Dawn, there are 96 Masters with 105 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 96 masters with 393 variants.
In Stormfront, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern. One Master has an additional variant with the Reverse Holofoil variant from the Burger King Collection 2009.

The extra subset in Stormfront, i.e. the SH-subset, also received a Reverse Holofoil treatment, with the Regular Pattern, i.e. Mirror Finish. All the cards in the SH-subset are Shiny Pokémon.

More details on Stormfront and Reverse Holofoil
In Stormfront, there are 98 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.
- (1) English, Unlimited edition,
- (2) French, Unlimited edition,
- (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
- (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern.
Please note that there are is one Masters that has one or more extra English variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern and the “Platinum”-stamp from the Burger King Collection 2009, i.e.

For Stormfront, there are 98 Masters with 99 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 98 masters with 393 variants. Crosshatch Pattern
In the Diamond & Pearl era, there is an occasional use of the Crosshatch Pattern which deviates from the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern, i.e. Mirror Finish. The Crosshatch Pattern can best be described as a Holofoil pattern with textured lines going in two separate directions: one direction from the top left to the bottom right at an angle of 45 degrees and one direction from the top right to the bottom left at an angle of 45 degrees.

In Secret Wonders, the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern is the Mirror Pattern. However, there is one master, Roseanne’s Research, that has one extra variant with the Crosshatch Pattern from the Pokémon League.

In Great Encounters, the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern is the Mirror Pattern. However, there are two masters with one extra variant each with the Crosshatch Pattern. The first master, Claydol, has one extra variant with the Crosshatch Pattern from the Pokémon League. The second master, Felicity’s Drawing, has one extra variant with the Crosshatch Pattern from the Pokémon League.

In Legends Awakened, the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern is the Mirror Pattern. However, there are two masters with one extra variant each with the Crosshatch Pattern. The first master, Azelf, has one extra variant with the Crosshatch Pattern from the Pokémon League. The second master, Uxie, has one extra variant with the Crosshatch Pattern from the Pokémon League.

In Majestic Dawn, the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern is the Mirror Pattern. However, there are two masters with one extra variant each with the Crosshatch Pattern. The first master, Warp Point, has one extra variant with the Crosshatch Pattern from the Pokémon League. The second master, Call Energy, has one extra variant with the Crosshatch Pattern from the Pokémon League.

In total in the Diamond & Pearl era, there are 7 masters with each one extra variant with a different Reverse Holofoil pattern than the Regular Pattern of the standard set. These variants each have the Crosshatch pattern, instead of the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern with Mirror Finish.
3.2. Non-Standard Set
In the non-standard sets, there is no Set Reverse Holofoil pattern as different patterns are used through these sets. Hence, for every variant that has a Reverse Holofoil pattern in the non-standard sets there will always be a “Print”-parameter containing its “Pattern”.
As for non-standard sets there is never a “standard” Reverse Holofoil pattern and thus these variants will have (a) as Holofoil the input “Reverse Holofoil”, and (b) as Print the input of the specific pattern (e.g. Cosmos Pattern, Cracked Ice Pattern, etc.).
Please note that for there are no Masters with variants that have any Reverse Holofoil pattern in the non-standard sets (i.e. Diamond & Pearl Promos, POP Series 6-8 and the Diamond & Pearl Trainer Kits).
4. Cracked Ice Holofoil
The Cracked Ice Holofoil was first introduced in the EX Series era and made its return in the Diamond & Pearl era, but only in Secret Wonders. The Cracked Ice Holofoil can be described as a holofoil pattern that has very rudimentary reflective parts that resemble cracked in an ice surface, hence “Cracked Ice”.
In principle, the variants with the rarity Holo Rare received the Cosmos Holofoil pattern. However, in Secret Wonders this principle was not adhered to as Secret Wonders has 3 masters that have an extra variant with the Cracked Ice Holofoil, all from the 2010 Collector’s Tin, as (1) Entei has one extra variant, (2) Suicune has one extra variant, and (3) Raikou has one extra variant.

More details on Secret Wonders and Cracked Ice Holofoil
In Secret Wonders, there are 3 Masters, where each Master has 1 variant with the Cracked Holofoil pattern, i.e. English, Unlimited edition.
All these variants have the Cracked Ice Holofoil pattern.
For Secret Wonders, there are 3 Masters with 3 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 3 masters with 3 variants.
In the Diamond & Pearl era, the Refractor Holofoil and Sheen Holofoil disappeared again. No new holofoils were introduced, except for a new Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e. the Crosshatch Pattern. Contrary to the previous era’s, some masters have more than one variant with the same Reverse Holofoil pattern and finish, which could be differentiated through a stamp of the set and originate from the Burger King Collection 2008 and the Burger King Collection 2009. For the non-standard sets, there were no cards with Reverse Holofoil.
I hope this was a helpful guide to map out the different Holofoil patterns. If you have found any inconsistencies, mistakes or have any other comments, please do let me know on [email protected].
I hope this one was helpful, like the previous era’s! I hope to see you on the next one discussing the Platinum era.