Database Insight: Holofoil Overview – EX Series era

Throughout the Pokémon TCG, there were plenty of different Holofoil patterns so far. Both the evolution and use of these Holofoil patterns is very interesting to go through and analyse. We see some Holofoil patterns being a constant Holofoil pattern, e.g. Cosmos Holofoil, while others are only present in a limited way, e.g. Sequin Holofoil.

For the purposes of this article, we will only discuss the English structure and other languages to the extent relevant.

Be aware that for proper understanding of this article a division is made between standard sets, Factory Sets that were distributed in boosterboxes and other product, and non-standard sets, Factory Sets that were not distributed in boosterboxes but solely in other product.

Standard SetsNon-standard Sets
EX Ruby & Sapphire
EX Sandstorm
EX Dragon
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua
EX Hidden Legends
EX FireRed & LeafGreen
EX Team Rocket Returns
EX Deoxys
EX Emerald
EX Unseen Forces
EX Delta Species
EX Legend Maker
EX Holon Phantoms
EX Crystal Guardians
EX Dragon Frontiers
EX Power Keepers
Nintendo Black Star Promos
Poké Card Creator Pack
POP Series 1
POP Series 2
EX Trainer Kit 2 – Plusle Half Deck
EX Trainer Kit 2 – Minun Half Deck
POP Series 3
POP Series 4
POP Series 5
EX Trainer Kit – Latias Half Deck
EX Trainer Kit – Latios Half Deck

In the the EX Series era, there are six different Holofoil patterns: (1) Non-Holofoil, (2) Cosmos Holofoil, (3) Refractor Holofoil, (4) Reverse Holofoil, (5) Cracked Ice Holofoil, and (6) Sheen Holofoil. There were a total of 2 newly introduced Holofoil patterns, i.e. Cracked Ice Holofoil and Sheen Holofoil. Starlight Holofoil did not make a reappearance.

1. Cosmos Holofoil

The Cosmos Holofoil pattern is the go-to holofoil pattern in the EX Series as well. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern is best described as a very vibrant and present holofoil pattern with circles, resembling a galaxy. The Cosmos Holofoil is by far the most present holofoil pattern in the Pokémon TCG.

1.1. Standard Sets

In principle, the Cosmos Holofoil pattern is used for all cards that have the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare in the EX Series era. In EX Unseen Forces, the subset Unown Collection, also received the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

With respect to the rarity Holo Rare, the cards with the rarity Holo Rare in EX Delta Species and EX Dragon Frontiers are exceptions to this principle as they received the Refractor Holofoil pattern instead.

With respect to the rarity Ultra Rare, there are three exceptions to this principle, which received the Refractor Holofoil pattern instead, i.e.: (1) Gyarados 102/110 from EX Holon Phantoms, (2) Charizard (Delta Species) from EX Dragon Frontiers, and (3) Mew (Delta Species) from EX Dragon Frontiers.

With respect to the rarity Secret Rare, there are no exceptions.

In EX Ruby & Sapphire, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare and Ultra Rare. Interesting to note is that these cards do not have the strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card. The set does not have any cards with the rarity Secret Rare.

More details on EX Ruby & Sapphire and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Ruby & Sapphire, there are 22 Masters, where each Master has at least 6 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
  • (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition, and
  • (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Blaziken has one extra variant without the e-Reader Logo from the EX Battle Stadium Deck – Blaziken.
  • Gardevoir has one extra variant without the e-Reader Logo from the EX Battle Stadium Deck – Gardevoir.
  • Darkness Energy has the rarity “Rare”, but has two extra variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e. (a) one variant, and (b) one variant with the “winner” stamp. Both distributed at the Pokémon League.
  • Metal Energy has the rarity “Rare”, but has two extra variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e. (a) one variant, and (b) one extra variant with the “winner” stamp. Both distributed at the Pokémon League.

For EX Ruby & Sapphire, there are 24 Masters with 28 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 24 masters with 138 variants.

In EX Sandstorm, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare and Ultra Rare. Interesting to note is that these cards do have the strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card. The set does not have any cards with the rarity Secret Rare.

More details on EX Sandstorm and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Sandstorm, there are 22 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Multi Energy has the rarity “Rare”, but has two extra variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e. (a) one variant, and (b) one variant with the “winner” stamp. Both distributed at the Pokémon League.

For EX Sandstorm, there are 22 Masters with 24 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 22 masters with 87 variants.

In EX Dragon, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. Interesting to note is that these cards do have the strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card. This is the first set of the EX Series era that contains cards with the rarity Secret Rare.

More details on EX Dragon and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Dragon, there are 26 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Flygon has the rarity “Rare”, but has two extra variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e. (a) one extra variant from the Windblast Theme Deck, and (b) one extra variant with the “WINNER”-stamp, distributed at the Pokémon League.
  • Salamence has the rarity “Rare”, but has two extra variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e. (a) one extra variant, and (b) one extra variant with the “WINNER”-stamp. Both distributed at the Pokémon League.

For EX Dragon, there are 26 Masters with 31 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 26 masters with 103 variants.

In EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. Interesting to note is that the cards with the rarity Holo Rare do not have the strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card, while the cards with the rarity Ultra Rare and Secret do have the strip.

As a fun sidenote, there are 6 “Team Magma” cards with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and 6 “Team Aqua” cards. Perfectly balanced as everything should be.

More details on EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, there are 21 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

For EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, there are 21 Masters with 21 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 21 masters with 84 variants.

In EX Hidden Legends, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. Interesting to note is from this set and on, the strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card is fully abandoned for all rarities.

With respect to some Masters with the rarity Ultra Rare, specifically Regice ex, Regirock ex and Registeel ex, it is important to note that these actually have the Cracked Ice Holofoil. However, some variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern as the Cracked Ice Holofoil layer was peeled off the cards (see this video).

More details on EX Hidden Legends and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Hidden Legends, there are 25 Masters, where each Master has at least 3 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (3) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

For EX Hidden Legends, there are 25 Masters with 25 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 25 masters with 75 variants.

In EX FireRed & LeafGreen, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare.

With respect to some Masters with the rarity Ultra Rare, specifically Articuno ex, Moltres ex and Zapdos ex, it is important to note that these actually have the Cracked Ice Holofoil. However, some variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern as the Cracked Ice Holofoil layer was peeled off the cards (see this video).

More details on EX FireRed & LeafGreen and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX FireRed & LeafGreen, there are 30 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

For EX FireRed & LeafGreen, there are 30 Masters with 30 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 30 masters with 120 variants.

In EX Team Rocket Returns, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. This is the first set where Goldstars were introduced, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Team Rocket Returns and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Team Rocket Returns, there are 32 Masters, where each Master has at least 2 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition, and
  • (2) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Dark Dragonite has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the James Theme Deck.

For EX Team Rocket Returns, there are 32 Masters with 32 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 32 masters with 64 variants.

In EX Deoxys, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. This is the second set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Deoxys and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Deoxys, there are 30 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
  • (5) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Deoxys 16/107 has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Starcharge Theme Deck.
  • Rayquaza has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Jetstream Theme Deck.

For EX Deoxys, there are 32 Masters with 32 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 30 masters with 142 variants.

In EX Emerald, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare.

More details on EX Emerald and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Emerald, there are 29 Masters, where each Master has at least XX variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
  • (5) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

For EX Emerald, there are 29 Masters with 29 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 29 masters with 145 variants.

In EX Unseen Forces, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. This is the third set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern. This set also contains a subset, the Unown Collection, of which all Masters have the rarity Holo Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Unseen Forces and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Unseen Forces, there are 66 Masters, where each Master has at least 6 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
  • (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition, and
  • (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

As mentioned earlier, all the Masters in the subset Unown Collection have received the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Ho-Oh has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Golden Sky Theme Deck.
  • Lugia has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Silvery Oceam Theme Deck.

For EX Unseen Forces, there are 66 Masters with 66 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 66 masters with 386 variants.

In EX Delta Species, the principles set out above were not respected. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was not used for any cards with the rarity Holo Rare (as they received the Refractor Holofoil pattern). The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for the cards with the rarities Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. This is the third set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Delta Species and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Delta Species, there are 7 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

For EX Delta Forces, there are 7 Masters with 7 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 7 masters with 28 variants.

In EX Legend Maker, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. This is the fourth set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Legend Maker and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Legend Maker, there are 25 Masters, where each Master has at least 6 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
  • (5) Portuguese, Unlimited edition, and
  • (6) Chinese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

For EX Legend Maker, there are 25 Masters with 25 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 25 masters with 150 variants.

In EX Holon Phantoms, the principles set out above were not respected. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was not used for any cards with the rarity Holo Rare (as they received the Refractor Holofoil pattern). The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for the cards with the rarities Ultra Rare (except for Gyarados (Delta Species)) and Secret Rare. This is the fifth set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Holon Phantoms and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Holon Phantoms, there are 6 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

For EX Holon Phantoms, there are 6 Masters with 6 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 6 masters with 24 variants.

In EX Crystal Guardians, the principles set out above were not completely respected. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for some variants with the rarity Holo Rare, while other variants with the rarity Holo Rare received the Refractor Holofoil pattern. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all the variants with the rarities Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. This is the sixth set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Crystal Guardians and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Crystal Guardians, there are 25 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Blastoise has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Storm Surge Theme Deck.
  • Swampert has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Earth Shower Theme Deck.
  • Venusaur has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Green Cyclone Theme Deck.

For EX Crystal Guardians, there are 25 Masters with 25 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 25 masters with 91 variants.

In EX Dragon Frontiers, the principles set out above were not respected. There are no Masters with any variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern as the rarities Holo Rare, Ultra Rare and Secret Rare received the Refractor Holofoil pattern. This is the seventh set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare but in this set these received the Refractor Holofoil pattern as well.

In EX Power Maker, the principles set out above are well adhered to. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern was used for all variants with the rarity Holo Rare (except for the energies which received the Sheen Holofoil pattern), Ultra Rare and Secret Rare. This is the eighth and final set that contains Goldstars, which have the rarity Ultra Rare and thus receive the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Power Keepers and Cosmos Holofoil

In EX Power Maker, there are 26 Masters, where each Master has at least 3 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Dusclops has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Mind Game Theme Deck.
  • Mightyena has the rarity “Rare”, but has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Storm Surge Theme Deck.

For EX Power Keepers, there are 26 Masters with 26 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 26 masters with 74 variants.

1.2. Non-standard Sets

The Cosmos Holofoil pattern also appeared in the non-standard sets, more specifically in every non-standard set except for the Poké Card Creator Pack. The rarity of the cards does not have an impact on the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

In the Nintendo Black Star Promos, some Masters have a variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern. The Cosmos Holofoil pattern treatment was not applied to every Master in this set, as the other cards received a Non-Holofoil treatment.

More details on Nintendo Black Star Promos and Cosmos Holofoil

In Nintendo Black Star Promos, there are 23 masters, where each master has at least 1 variant with the Cosmos Holofoil, i.e. in English, Unlimited edition, specifically the following Masters:

  • Kyogre ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Challenge.
  • Groudon ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Challenge.
  • Mudkip 005 has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and with the “Pokémon Organized Play”-stamp from the European and US POP Tournament.
  • Torchic 006 has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and with the “Pokémon Organized Play”-stamp from the European and US POP Tournament.
  • Treecko 007 has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and with the “Pokémon Organized Play”-stamp from the European and US POP Tournament.
  • Pikachu has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Series Collector’s Tin.
  • Meowth has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Series Collector’s Tin.
  • Whismur has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Deck Tin.
  • Ludicolo has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Series Value Pack.
  • Celebi has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Carry Tin and the EX Value Pack.
  • Suicune has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Carry Tin, EX Value Pack and Deluxe Gift Set.
  • Moltres ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Window Tin.
  • Articuno ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Window Tin.
  • Zapdos ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Window Tin.
  • Typhlosion has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Value Pack II and Epic Collection Value Box.
  • Kyogre ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Tin.
  • Groudon ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Tin.
  • Rayquaza ex has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Collector’s Tin.
  • Mew has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Value Box and Trainer’s Challenge Set.

All these variants have the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

For Nintendo Black Star Promos, there are 23 Masters with 23 variants in English.

The first POP Series set, i.e. POP Series 1, also contains some cards that have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 1 and Cosmos Holofoil

In POP Series 1, there are 7 masters, where each Master has 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Blaziken has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Legend Maker Blister.
  • Metagross has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Legend Maker Blister.
  • Rayquaza has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Holon Phantoms Blister.
  • Sceptile has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Unseen Forces Blister.
  • Swampert has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the EX Unseen Forces Blister.
  • Armaldo ex has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the POP Series 1 booster packs.
  • Tyranitar ex has one extra variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern from the Target Exclusive Value Box and the 2007 Spring Collector’s Tin.

For POP Series 1, there are 7 Masters with 7 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 7 masters with 28 variants.

In POP Series 2 some cards also have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 2 and Cosmos Holofoil

In POP Series 2, there are 7 masters, where each Master has 5 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
  • (5) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Entei has one extra variant from the Legendary Beasts Blister.
  • Pidgeot has one extra variant from the EX Crystal Guardians Blister.
  • Raikou has one extra variant from the Legendary Beasts Blister.
  • Suicune has one extra variant from the Legendary Beasts Blister.
  • Tauros has one extra variant from the EX Crystal Guardians Blister.
  • Venusaur has one extra variant from the EX Holon Phantoms Blister.
  • Celebi ex has one extra variant from the Trainer’s Challenge Set and the 2007 Spring Collector’s Tin.

For POP Series 2, there are 7 Masters with 7 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 7 masters with 35 variants.

The EX Trainer Kit 2 – Minun Half Deck contains one master that has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, Minun.

The EX Trainer Kit 2 – Plusle Half Deck contains one master that has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, Plusle.

In POP Series 3 some cards also have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 3 and Cosmos Holofoil

In POP Series 3, there are 7 masters, where each Master has 6 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
  • (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition, and
  • (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Blastoise has one extra variant from the Crystal Trainer Set.
  • Flareon has one extra variant from the Eeveelutions Blister and the Enhanced Value Pack.
  • Jolteon has one extra variant from the Eeveelutions Blister and the Enhanced Value Pack.
  • Minun has one extra variant from the EX Dragon Frontiers Blister.
  • Plusle has one extra variant from the EX Dragon Frontiers Blister.
  • Vaporeon has one extra variant from the Eeveelutions Blister and the Enhanced Value Pack.
  • Ho-Oh ex has one extra variant from the 2007 Spring Collector’s Tin.

For POP Series 3, there are 7 Masters with 7 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 7 masters with 42 variants.

In POP Series 4 some cards also have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 4 and Cosmos Holofoil

In POP Series 4, there are 7 masters, where each Master has 5 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
  • (5) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

For POP Series 4, there are 7 Masters with 7 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 8 masters with 35 variants.

In POP Series 5 some cards also have variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 5 and Cosmos Holofoil

In POP Series 5, there are 4 masters, where each Master has 3 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (3) Italian, Unlimited edition.

Please note that the following Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • Ho-Oh has one extra variant from the Diamond & Pearl Gift Pack.
  • Lugia has one extra variant from the Diamond & Pearl Gift Pack.
  • Mew has two extra variants, (a) one variant with a regular back, and (b) one variant with an inverse back. Both variants come from the Diamond & Pearl Value Pack 1.
  • Pikachu has one extra variant from the Diamond & Pearl Value Pack 1.

For POP Series 5, there are 4 Masters with 6 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 4 masters with 14 variants.

The EX Trainer Kit – Latias Half Deck contains one master that has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, Latias.

The EX Trainer Kit – Latios Half Deck contains one master that has one variant with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, Latios.

2. Non-Holofoil

The Non-Holofoil pattern is not a “true” holofoil pattern. However, for completeness sake of metadata in the Collexy database it is important to mark all variants that have no holofoil pattern as Non-Holofoil.

3. Refractor Holofoil

The Refractor Holofoil pattern was introduced for the first time in the WOTC era, specifically Neo Destiny, and made its return in the EX Series era. The first set that the Refractor Holofoil pattern appeared in is EX Delta Species. The Refractor Holofoil pattern can be described as an inverse pattern as the Pokémon itself receives a reflective foil treatment, whereas the background does not have any holofoil pattern. This style is very different compared to the other holofoil patterns.

3.1. Standard Sets

The Refractor Holofoil pattern is only used sporadically for cards with the rarity Holo Rare throughout different sets, starting with EX Delta Species. There appears to be no real principle or concept to follow for the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

In EX Delta Species, the cards with the rarity Holo Rare received the Refractor Holofoil pattern. No other rarities received the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Delta Species and Refractor Holofoil

In EX Delta Species, there are 18 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Refractor Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

For EX Delta Forces, there are 18 Masters with 18 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 18 masters with 72 variants.

In EX Holon Phantoms, the cards with the rarity Holo Rare, except for the energies which received the Sheen Holofoil pattern, received the Refractor Holofoil pattern. The cards with the rarity Ultra Rare normally received the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, yet there is one exception i.e. Gyarados (Delta Species).

More details on EX Holon Phantoms and Refractor Holofoil

In EX Holon Phantoms, there are 20 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

Please note that there are some Masters have one or more extra English variants with the Refractor Holofoil pattern, i.e.

For EX Holon Phantoms, there are 20 Masters with 20 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 20 masters with 80 variants.

In EX Crystal Guardians, the cards with the rarity Holo Rare received the Refractor Holofoil pattern interchangeably. As a result, not every card with the rarity Holo Rare received the Refractor Holofoil pattern, as some received the Cosmos Holofoil pattern.

More details on EX Crystal Guardians and Refractor Holofoil

In EX Crystal Guardians, there are 3 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Refractor Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

For EX Crystal Guardians, there are 3 Masters with 3 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 3 masters with 12 variants.

In EX Dragon Frontiers, the Refractor Holofoil pattern was the go-to holofoil pattern throughout the set. The Refractor Holofoil was used for the cards with the rarity Holo Rare and Ultra Rare, contrary to all the other sets. This set could be deemed as the only truely exclusive Refractor Holofoil pattern set.

More details on EX Dragon Frontiers and Refractor Holofoil

In EX Dragon Frontiers, there are 24 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Refractor Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

For EX Dragon Frontieres, there are 24 Masters with 24 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 24 masters with 96 variants.

3.2. Non-Standard Sets

The Refractor Holofoil pattern also appeared in the non-standard sets, but only in POP Series 4 and POP Series 5. The rarity of the cards does not have an impact on the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

In POP Series 4, there is one single Master with the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 4 and Refractor Holofoil

In POP Series 4, there is 1 Master, where each Master has 5 variants with the Refractor Holofoil pattern i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
  • (5) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

For POP Series 4, there is 1 Master with 1 variant in English. If the other languages are added, there is 1 Master with 5 variants.

In POP Series 5, there are two Masters with the Refractor Holofoil pattern.

More details on POP Series 5 and Refractor Holofoil

In POP Series 5, there are 2 masters, where each Master has 3 variants with the Refractor Holofoil pattern i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (3) Italian, Unlimited edition.

For POP Series 5, there are 2 Masters with 2 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 2 masters with 6 variants.

4. Reverse Holofoil

The Reverse Holofoil pattern is a holofoil pattern that is exactly what the name indicates, everything receives a holofoil treatment except for the artbox with the Pokémon in it.

4.1. Standard Sets

4.1.1. Regular Pattern

The “Regular Pattern” of the Reverse Holofoil, i.e. Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, refers to the Reverse Holofoil that is used for the cards in that specific set. This can differ throughout an era, but there is always only one Set Reverse Holofoil pattern. If a variant has a Reverse Holofoil pattern that matches the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, the specific Reverse Holofoil pattern is not mentioned.

However, it can occur that some variants have a different Reverse Holofoil pattern than the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern. In this event, the variant with the different Reverse Holofoil pattern (compared to the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern) is differentiated through the “Print”-parameter, specifically by mentioning the exact “Pattern” of the Reverse Holofoil, distinguishing it from the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern.

This means that there are variants of one Master with different Reverse Holofoil finishes, which means that

  • the variant with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern will have as “Holofoil”-parameter the input “Reverse Holofoil” without any “Print”-parameter related to the Reverse Holofoil pattern, and
  • the differing Reverse Holofoil, i.e. Reverse Holofoil pattern with a different pattern than the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, will have (a) as “Holofoil”-parameter the input “Reverse Holofoil”, and (b) as “Print”-parameter the input of the specific finish (e.g. Cosmos Pattern, Cracked Ice Pattern, etc.).

In the EX Series era, the Regular Reverse Holofoil Pattern has evolved throughout the different sets. We can divide the Reverse Holofoil pattern into five different patterns: (1) Mirror Pattern, (2) Energy Pattern, (3) Wheel Pattern, (4) Poké Ball Pattern, and (5) Plain Pattern. Mirror Pattern

In the EX Series era, the first Set Reverse Holofoil pattern used was the Mirror Pattern, i.e. a Reverse Holofoil that has a reflective pattern without any additional specific pattern.

In the first set, EX Ruby & Sapphire, the Mirror Pattern was used as the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern. The card format used in this set was very similar to the e-series in the WOTC era, however all variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and Reverse Holofoil pattern do not have a strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card, despite all other rarities that Holo Rare with the Non-Holofoil pattern having a dot strip. For some reason, the strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card was not implemented in this set.

More details on EX Ruby & Sapphire and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Ruby & Sapphire, there are 101 Masters, where each Master has 6 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
  • (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition, and
  • (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern.

For the EX Ruby & Sapphire, in English there are 101 masters with a total of 101 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 101 masters with 606 variants.

In EX Sandstorm, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern also has a Mirror pattern and uses the card format like in the e-series in the WOTC era. Contrary to EX Ruby & Sapphire, all variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and with the Reverse Holofoil pattern do have a strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card.

More details on EX Sandstorm and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Sandstorm, there are 93 Masters, where each Master has 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern.

For the EX Sandstorm, in English there are 93 masters with a total of 93 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 93 masters with 372 variants.

In EX Dragon, just like in EX Sandstorm, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern has a Mirror pattern and uses the card format like in the e-series in the WOTC era. Just like in EX Sandstorm, all variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and with the Reverse Holofoil pattern do have a strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card in the same color as the color of the card.

More details on EX Dragon and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Dragon, there are 88 Masters, where each Master has 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern.

For the EX Dragon, in English there are 88 masters with a total of 88 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 88 masters with 352 variants.

In EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern has also a Mirror Finish, like the previous sets in the EX Series era. Yet, for all variants with the Cosmos Holofoil pattern and with the Reverse Holofoil pattern, the code strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card was removed (and never made a return). This was also the case for the Non-Holofoil variants.

More details on EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, there are 88 Masters, where each Master has 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern.

For EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, in English there are 88 masters with a total of 88 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 88 masters with 352 variants. Energy Pattern

In the set after the EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua, EX Hidden Legends, the Set Reverse pattern changed to the Energy Pattern, which is a Reverse Holofoil with a pattern that contains energy symbols in a vertical sequence where the same energy symbols appear underneath each other.

In EX Hidden Legends, the Reverse Holofoil pattern with the Energy Pattern was introduced for the first time. Please note that contrary to the previous sets, the Reverse Holofoil pattern was different depending on the rarity of the cards. All rarities have the Energy Pattern. However, the cards with the rarities Holo Rare and Rare have an additional holofoil stamp of the energy symbol of the type of the Pokémon in the middle of the lower half of the card (as is illustrated below).

More details on EX Hidden Legends and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Hidden Legends, there are 92 Masters, where each Master has 3 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (3) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Energy pattern.

For EX Hidden Legends, in English there are 92 masters with a total of 92 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 92 masters with 276 variants.

The principle set out in EX Hidden Legends also applies to EX FireRed & LeafGreen. All rarities have the Energy Pattern. However, the cards with the rarities Holo Rare and Rare have an additional holofoil stamp of a Poké Ball in the middle of the lower half of the card, which makes it different from EX Hidden Legends (where the energy symbol of the type of the Pokémon is used).

More details on EX FireRed & LeafGreen and Reverse Holofoil

In EX FireRed & LeafGreen, there are 103 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Energy pattern.

Please note that Gastly has 1 extra variant, an English unlimited edition variant, i.e. with the “Rarity Error”-print (uncommon instead of the correct common), in addition to the above 4 variants. (Note that this error also appeared for the English variant with the No-Holofoil pattern.)

For EX FireRed & LeafGreen, in English there are 103 masters with a total of 104 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 103 masters with 413 variants.

In EX Team Rocket Returns, the Reverse Holofoil pattern with the Energy Finish was applied in a uniform manner to all the cards in the set, irrespective of the rarity. Contrary to the previous sets that have the Reverse Holofoil pattern with the Energy Finish, there was no additional holofoil stamp of an energy symbol. However, in this set a new element was introduced for the variants with Reverse Holofoil, i.e. the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

More details on EX Team Rocket Returns and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Team Rocket Returns, there are 95 Masters, where each Master has at least 2 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition, and
  • (2) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Energy pattern.

For EX Team Rocket Returns, in English there are 95 masters with a total of 95 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 95 masters with 190 variants. Wheel Pattern

In EX Deoxys, a new Reverse Holofoil pattern was introduced, the Wheel pattern. EX Deoxys is the only set where the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Wheel pattern. This situation reminds us of the Legendary Collection in the WOTC era as that set also had a unique Reverse Holofoil pattern (Fireworks pattern). The Wheel pattern is a very present holofoil that looks like a wheel or fan, with an alternating darker and lighter part (10 parts in total). Aside of the unique Reverse Holofoil pattern with Wheel Finish, the Reverse Holofoil variants also have the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

More details on EX Deoxys and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Deoxys, there are 95 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Wheel pattern.

For EX Deoxys, in English there are 95 masters with a total of 95 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 95 masters with 475 variants. Poké Ball Pattern

After the brief stint of the Reverse Holofoil pattern with the Wheel pattern, another Reverse Holofoil pattern was introduced in EX Emerald as the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern. The new Reverse Holofoil pattern was the Poké Ball pattern. The Poké Ball Pattern can be described as a plain holofoil with Poké Balls and stars in the background, sometimes these Poké Balls and stars are separate and sometimes overlapping.

In EX Emerald, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Poké Ball pattern. The Reverse Holofoil patterns are not identical for all rarities. All variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern have (1) the Poké Ball pattern, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards. However, in addition, the Reverse Holofoil variants of the cards with the rarities Holo Rare and Rare have (1) the name in golden letters, (2) HP in golden letteres, and (3) a silver rarity symbol.

More details on EX Emerald and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Emerald, there are 89 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
  • (5) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Poké Ball pattern.

For EX Emerald, in English there are 89 masters with a total of 89 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 89 masters with 445 variants.

The same principle as EX Emerald applies for EX Unseen Forces the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Poké Ball pattern. The Reverse Holofoil patterns are not identical for all rarities. All variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern have (1) the Poké Ball pattern, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards. However, in addition, the Reverse Holofoil variants of the cards with the rarities Holo Rare and Rare have (1) the name in golden letters, (2) HP in golden letteres, and (3) a silver rarity symbol.

More details on EX Unseen Forces and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Unseen Forces, there are 100 Masters, where each Master has at least 6 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition,
  • (5) Spanish, Unlimited edition, and
  • (6) Portuguese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Poké Ball pattern.

For EX Unseen Forces, in English there are 100 masters with a total of 600 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 100 masters with 600 variants. Plain Pattern

The last Reverse Holofoil pattern in the EX Series era was introduced in EX Delta Species, the Plain pattern. The Plain Finish can best be described as a faint holofoil with a sheen reflective effect without any holofoil.

This Reverse Holofoil pattern was introduced in EX Delta Species and made a return in all the sets in between, and including, EX Delta Species and EX Power Keepers. All these sets have the Plain pattern as the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern. There is one exception, i.e. EX Legend Maker, where the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Cosmos pattern (see discussion in below).

In EX Delta Species, the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern is the Plain pattern. In this set, the Reverse Holofoil variants of all rarities have (1) the Plain pattern, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

The cards with the rarities Holo Rare and Rare have, in addition to the 2 aforementioned characteristics, (1) the name in golden letters, (2) HP in golden letters, and (3) a silver rarity symbol. The Reverse Holofoil variants of cards with the rarity Holo Rare received, in addition to the 5 aforementioned characteristics, also golden borders.

More details on EX Delta Species and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Delta Species, there are 107 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Plain pattern.

For EX Delta Species, in English there are 107 masters with a total of 107 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 107 masters with 428 variants.

In EX Holon Phantoms, the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern is the Plain pattern. In this set, the Reverse Holofoil variants of all rarities have (1) the Plain pattern, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

The only exception are the Reverse Holofoil variants of the cards with the rarity Holo Rare which have, in addition to the previous 2 characteristics, (1) the name in golden letters, (2) HP in golden letters, (3) golden borders, and (4) a silver rarity symbol.

More details on EX Holon Phantoms and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Holon Phantoms, there are 98 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Plain pattern.

For EX Holon Phantoms, in English there are 98 masters with a total of 98 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 98 masters with 392 variants.

In EX Crystal Guardians, the Reverse Holofoil patterns changed a little bit compared to the EX Delta Species and EX Holon Phantoms even though the Plain pattern was still used. In this set, the Reverse Holofoil variants of all rarities have the Plain Finish, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

However, for the Revers Holofoil variants with the rarities Rare and Holo Rare (10 out of 13 Masters with the rarity Holo Rare) have, in addition to the 2 previous characteristics, (1) the name in golden letters, (2) HP in golden letters, and (3) a silver rarity symbol.

Please note that for the remaining Reverse Holofoil variants with the rarity Holo Rare (i.e. the other 3 Masters with the rarity Holo Rare, in addition to the 5 previous characteristics, also golden borders. There are 3 variants that qualify for this last category: Blastoise (Delta Species), Charizard (Delta Species) and Ludicolo (Delta Species). It is not clear why these variants received a special treatment with the golden borders.

More details on EX Crystal Guardians and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Crystal Guardians, there are 88 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Plain pattern.

For EX Crystal Guardians, in English there are 88 masters with a total of 88 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 88 masters with 352 variants.

In EX Dragon Frontiers, the Plain Finish was also used as the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern. The Reverse Holofoil variants have (1) the Plain Finish, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

The variants with the rarity Holo Rare have, in additional to the 2 previous characteristics, (1) the name in golden letters, (2) HP in golden letters, (3) golden borders and (4) a silver rarity symbol.

More details on EX Dragon Frontiers and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Dragon Frontiers, there are 89 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Plain pattern.

For EX Dragon Frontiers, in English there are 89 masters with a total of 89 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 89 masters with 356 variants.

EX Power Keepers was the last set that used the Plain pattern as the Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern . All the Reverse Holofoil variants of these cards have (1) the Plain Finish, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

The Reverse Holofoil variants with the rarity Holo Rare also have, in addition to the previous 2 characteristics, the following characteristics (1) the name in golden letters, (2) HP in golden letters, and (3) a silver rarity symbol.

More details on EX Power Keepers and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Power Keepers, there are 91 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Plain pattern.

For EX Power Keepers, in English there are 91 masters with a total of 91 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 91 masters with 273 variants. Cosmos Pattern

As mentioned earlier, in between the sets that had as Set Reverse Holofoil Pattern the Plain pattern, there is EX Legend Maker, chronologically in between EX Delta Species and EX Holon Phantoms. For an unclear reason, EX Legend Maker diverted from the Reverse Holofoil pattern with Plain pattern and used the Cosmos pattern instead, in the art box of the Pokémon instead of the rest of the card, which is also atypical for a Reverse Holofoil pattern.

All the Reverse Holofoil variants of these cards have (1) the Cosmos pattern, and (2) the set name stamped in the bottom right corner of the art box of the cards.

The Reverse Holofoil variants of cards that have the rarities Holo Rare and Rare have (1) cosmos holofoil name, (2) cosmos holofoil HP, and (3) a silver rarity symbol.

More details on EX Legend Maker and Reverse Holofoil

In EX Legend Maker, there are 82 Masters, where each Master has at least 5 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) German, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) French, Unlimited edition.
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition, and
  • (5) Chinese, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Cosmos pattern.

For EX Legend Maker, in English there are 82 masters with a total of 82 variants with the Reverse Holofoil. If the other languages are added, there are 82 masters with 410 variants.

4.2. Non-standard Sets

In the non-standard sets, there is no Set Reverse Holofoil pattern as different patterns are used through these sets. Hence, for every variant that has a Reverse Holofoil pattern in the non-standard sets there will always be a “Print”-parameter containing its “Pattern”.

As for non-standard sets there is never a “standard” Reverse Holofoil pattern and thus these variants will have (a) as Holofoil the input “Reverse Holofoil”, and (b) as Print the input of the specific pattern (e.g. Cosmos Pattern, Cracked Ice Pattern, etc.).

In Nintendo Black Star Promos, the Reverse Holofoil pattern used was the Mirror pattern. There are only 3 Masters that have a Reverse Holofoil variant. The Reverse Holofoil pattern used on these Reverse Holofoil variants follows the Reverse Holofoil pattern of EX Ruby & Sapphire as (1) it is the Mirror pattern, and (2) the strip of 13 vertical lines on the bottom of the card is not present. This makes sense as these promo’s were released in the same time that EX Ruby & Sapphire came out.

More details on Nintendo Black Star Promos and Reverse Holofoil

In Nintendo Black Star Promos, there are 3 Masters, where each Master has 1 variants with the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern, i.e. the English, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Reverse Holofoil pattern. For this set, the Set Reverse Holofoil pattern is the Mirror pattern.

For Nintendo Black Star Promos, in English there are 3 masters with a total of 3 variants with the Reverse Holofoil.

Please note that for all the other non-standard sets (i.e. Poké Card Creator Pack, POP Series 1-5 and EX Trainer Kits), there are no Masters with variants with the Reverse Holofoil pattern.

5. Cracked Ice Holofoil

The Cracked Ice Holofoil is the first newly introduced holofoil pattern in the EX Series era, specifically in EX Hidden Legends and EX FireRed & LeafGreen. The Cracked Ice Holofoil can be described as a holofoil pattern that has very rudimentary reflective parts that resemble cracked in an ice surface, hence “Cracked Ice”. This pattern adds a new and very different flavor to the holofoil patterns already present.

In principle, the variants with the rarity Ultra Rare received the Cosmos Holofoil pattern. However, in two sets this principle was not adhered to. In EX Hidden Legends, there are 3 cards with the rarity Ultra Rare that received the Cracked Ice Holofoil pattern, i.e. Regice ex, Regirock ex, and Registeel ex.

More details on EX Hidden Legends and Cracked Ice Holofoil

In EX Hidden Legends, there are 3 Masters, where each Master has 1 variant with the Cracked Holofoil pattern, i.e. English, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cracked Ice Holofoil pattern.

For EX Hidden Legends, there are 3 Masters with 3 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 3 masters with 3 variants.

The same happened in EX FireRed & LeafGreen where the principle of all cards with the rarity Ultra Rare received the Cosmos Holofoil pattern. This set also contains 3 cards with the rarity Ultra Rare that received the Cracked Ice Holofoil pattern, i.e. Articuno ex, Moltres ex and Zapdos ex.

More details on EX FireRed & LeafGreen and Cracked Ice Holofoil

In EX FireRed & LeafGreen, there are 3 Masters, where each Master has 1 variant with the Cracked Ice Holofoil pattern, i.e. English, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Cracked Holofoil pattern.

For EX FireRed & LeafGreen, there are 3 Masters with 3 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 3 masters with 3 variants.

6. Sheen Holofoil

The second brandnew holofoil pattern is Sheen Holofoil, which was introduced on the energy cards in EX Holon Phantoms and EX Power Keepers. The Sheen Holofoil can be described as a plain reflective pattern without any specific pattern.

In EX Holon Phantoms there are 6 cards with the rarity Holo Rare that, contrary to the principle of the rarity Holo Rare receiving the Refractor Holofoil pattern, received the Sheen Holofoil pattern. These are all energy cards.

More details on EX Holon Phantoms and Sheen Holofoil

In EX Holon Phantoms, there are 6 Masters, where each Master has at least 4 variants with the Sheen Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition,
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition, and
  • (4) Italian, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Sheen Holofoil pattern.

For EX Holon Phantoms, there are 6 Masters with 6 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 6 masters with 24 variants.

Just like above, in EX Power Keepers there are 6 cards with the rarity Holo Rare that, contrary to the principle of the rarity Holo Rare receiving the Refractor Holofoil pattern, received the Sheen Holofoil pattern. These are all energy cards.

More details on EX Power Keepers and Sheen Holofoil

In EX Power Keepers, there are 6 Masters, where each Master has at least 3 variants with the Sheen Holofoil pattern, i.e.

  • (1) English, Unlimited edition,
  • (2) French, Unlimited edition, and
  • (3) German, Unlimited edition.

All these variants have the Sheen Holofoil pattern.

For EX Power Keepers, there are 6 Masters with 6 variants in English. If the other languages are added, there are 6 masters with 18 variants.


In the EX Series era, 2 new holofoil patterns were introduced: Cracked Ice Holofoil and Sheen Holofoil. The biggest challenge was mapping out the different Reverse Holofoil patterns as there were a staggering 5 different patterns through this era. For the non-standard sets, there was only the Mirror pattern for 3 masters and 3 variants.

I hope this guide is helpful to illustrate the existing and new holofoil patterns in the EX Series era, especially to show the difference between the different Reverse Holofoil patterns used in this era. If you have found any inconsistencies, mistakes or have any other comments, please do let me know on [email protected].

As usual, I greatly appreciate you reading this and hopefully it has been intersting!
